The Secretary is the one in charge of directing the people to the various gaming places, inform of the gaming choices those arriving still without having booked some slots, call at their mobile those who are still missing at the start of the Event they booked to warn them it is about to start.
Once the Events have begun, the Secretary takes some photo (he’ll receive a camera to this end) and wait for the beginning of the following slot to hand on the baton to the next Secretary.
- Secretary: Katia Davoli
- Ron Edwards
- Paul Czege
- Danielle Lewon
- Michele Gelli
- Claudia Cangini
- Moreno Roncucci
- Mauro Ghibaudo
- Luca "+1" Ghibaudo
- Lapo Luchini
- Matteo Suppo
- Katia Davoli
- Ezio "pozzo adiabatico" Melega
- Lavinia Fantini
- Luca "Torre piezometrica" Veluttini
- Lorenzo Trenti
- Alessandro Riccò - Gwilberiol
- Paolo Bosi
- Enrico Putaturo
- Sara "Starcatcher" Porello
- Rocco Duchi - ROCCO_D
- Niccolò "Domon" Ricchio
- Michele Pupo
- Jasmine El Hadj
- Matteo Turini
- Andrea Castellani
- Manuela Soriani
- Mattia Bulgarelli - Korin Duval
- Ronny "Gunny" Negrelli
- Emilio Brognara
- Marco "Mr Mac" Andreetto
- Dario Delfino
- Enrico "slauni" Mola
- Lavinia Barni
- Mr. Mario Bolzoni
- Paolo Davolio
- Alexandra Zanasi
- Simone -Spiegel- Micucci
- Luca "bonisol" Bonisoli
- Andrea Bruna
- Malinka
- il mietitore
- Errezero
- Arumas-o-thos
- Humano
- AleA
- Elke
- Andrea 'Mechvigiak' Vigiak
- Patrick "patmax17" Marchiodi
- Jessica "Axel Smile" Menegoli
- Stefano Preda Predieri
- Trevor "3evil" Devalle
- Davide Losito ( Khana )
- Rafu
Who will attend INC'11
The 55 confirmed guests:
- Alan Di Giulio
- Bazinga
- Berzoni Gabriele
- Filomena Cesarano
Who will attend INC'11
The unconfirmed guests: